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・ Sebastian Bischoff*, Alana Darcher, Michael Deistler, Richard Gao, Franziska Gerken, Manuel Gloeckler*†, Lisa Haxel, Jaivardhan Kapoor*, Janne K Lappalainen, Jakob H Macke, Guy Moss, Matthijs Pals*†, Felix Pei, Rachel Rapp, A Erdem Sağtekin, Cornelius Schröder, Auguste Schulz*, Zinovia Stefanidi, Shoji Toyota, Linda Ulmer, Julius Vetter (* Co-organizers, † Corresponding authors) (2024)

      A Practical Guide to Statistical Distances for Evaluating Generative Models in Science,​

      Transaction of Machine Learning Research (TMLR). 


・ S. Toyota and K. Fukumizu (2024)  

     Out-of-Distribution Optimality of Invariant Risk Minimization,​

     Transaction of Machine Learning Research (TMLR). 

・ S. Toyota and K. Fukumizu (2022)

      Invariance Learning based on Label Hierarchy,​

     Advances in Neural Information and Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2022). 

・ S. Toyota (2020)  

     Geometry of Arimoto Algorithm,​

     Information Geometry. 


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